I am working on 2.4.3 bot. I am trying to read Unit's class.
Descriptor bytes are at :
Bytes0 = 0x78,
I am assuming checking descriptors is a valid way to check class in 2.4.3. Above method keeps return class descriptor of hunter for all classes.
Descriptor bytes are at :
Bytes0 = 0x78,
enum EnWowClass
None = 0,
Warrior = 1,
Paladin = 2,
Hunter = 3,
Rogue = 4,
Priest = 5,
DeathKnight = 6,
Shaman = 7,
Mage = 8,
Warlock = 9,
Druid = 11,
public EnWowClass Class
return (EnWowClass)UnitBytes0[1];
private byte[] UnitBytes0
get { return BitConverter.GetBytes(GetAbsoluteDescriptor<uint>((int)EnWowUnit.Bytes0)); }
internal T GetAbsoluteDescriptor<T>(int offset) where T : struct
var descriptorArray = Manager.Memory.Read<uint>(new IntPtr(Pointer.ToInt64() + 0x8));
return Manager.Memory.Read<T>(new IntPtr(descriptorArray + offset));