Fully automatized high-quality PvP and PvE damage and healing combat rotations with a variety of useful tricks to be always at the top!
Designed with support of multi-gladiators/R1s, following reliable PvE rotation guides and simulcraft, the CR has proved its ultimate advantage anywhere you run it - arenas, RBGs, dungeons and raids!
Flexible functionality settings. Enable the options you want to have for your class or make it do everything for you and get the maximum efficiency of best available CRs for WoW 6.2 (live) coded by highly experienced professionals!
HandsFree is quick, smart and stable combat rotation as its based on FireHack - a WoW multihack with Warden protection, which is known to be one of the safest at the moment.
Hurry to be the first and the best in your arena team, raid group or RBG party here and now!
Personal customization: several options for setting your gameplay the way you like

1. Choose style: AOE to hit/heal everyone without changing the target or Single target only. Also you can Disable rotation and leave simple features like kicking, dispelling etc.
2. Choose mode between PvP (Arenas/BGs/RBGs/dueling) and PvE (dungeons, raids and outdoor)
3. Facing hack allows player attack any unit regardless if he faces the unit or not
4. Auto queuer automatically queues, accepts ready check and leaves instance. Works with Ashran queue invitation as well. When enabled, you need to choose zone type to make proper queues (Arena, BG, Skirmish or Ashran)

5. Auto move can be used with Auto queuer on BGs or Arenas and make it farm Honor Points or Conquest Points for you fully AFK [Beta release]
6. Mark team healer option draws a line to party healer in arena and colors it depending if he can heal you or not (credits to Ben Phelps)
7. Focus enemy healer will automatically focus an enemy healer if no focus target has been set by player. Also picks a unit back to target after stealth if you dont have any by the moment
8. MoveOnCast hack allows player to move while casting an ability (credits to l0l1dk)
9. Pring&Log enabled opens a new chat window where major script actions are printed out. Also saves a log for debugging reasons if needed

10. Smart pause option pauses rotation when player uses any spell manually
11. Kick settings button opens kick settings window
12. Class settings opens your class additional settings window
13. Start/Stop routine is used to start or stop the Combat Routine. You can do that also by left-clicking on the crown minimap icon (changes color when clicked)
14. Save&Close will close the window, save user setting and automatically restore it on the next launch
Advanced kick logics: designed for countless PvP battle conditions

1. Set kick interval field allows player manipulate kicking % interval
2. Set kick delay sets a delay after spell cast start in milliseconds to make it less obvious that youre scripting
3. Choose kick from a variety of options depending on your play style. Pick Smart mode to have a balanced kicking logics or Only healer to counter enemy healers abilities. Break chain is used to save your team healer from a chain CC advanced conditions and DR tracker. For PvE you can go with Kick all to kick everything except the Ignore Spells list

4. With Spells list you can remove a spell or add a new one
5. Kick after option sets a better kicking communication within the team. You can Kick first (regardless the possibility of team members to kick) or Kick if teammates can't or even Kick if a specified team mate can't

6. Set minHP to kick heals will set a minimum enemy player HP when to start kicking healing abilities
Epic performance: the rotation uses all possible class advantage and opportunity to have the maximum efficiency

*Druid configurations screenshot (some of the options may not be presented in other classes settings window)
1. Choose stance mode between Smart (sets the stance depending on current ingame situation), Always defensive or make auto stance Disabled
2. Smart fake is a great alternative to old juking scripts which no longer work on WoD. The Rotation imitates human faking mechanics and proves to be very useful!
3. Then goes a List of abilities that CR will use automatically. More information for your class you can find below or visit our website
4. Use CP abilities allows the CR automatically use combat points taking abilities such as Eviscerate or Ferocious Bite
5. DoT enemy healer sets whether the Rotation DoTs the enemy healer or not to have him CCed
6. Set reaction delay places a delay in milliseconds before instant actions, such as dispel, totem stomp etc. to look less botish
Macro-based configurations: multiples your ingame success
Settings window macros to:
- start/stop rotation
- choose CR style (AOE/Single Target/Disabled)
- enable/disable Facing hack
- enable/disable Auto queuer
- enable/disable Mark healer function
- enable/disable CastOnMove hack
- switch kick mode
- switch stances modes
- enable/disable Smart fake
- enable/disable DoTing enemy healer
- enable/disable using CP taking abilities
- show/hide minimap icon
- enable/disable Smart pause
- enable/disable Print&Log function
- set the start of the kick interval in X %
- set the end of the kick interval in X %
- set the delay for the kick in X MS
- set the minimum enemies HP to kick heals in X %
- set reaction delay for instant actions (dispel, totem stomp etc.) in X MS
General macros to:
- automatically create most important class specific macros
- save player power (rage, runic power etc.) to reach specified value X. Value X is optional, you can leave it blank to save power to maximum
- queue a GCD-taking ability to the rotation on specified unit with the highest priority and attempts to cast for the specified period of time
- continue CC on the specified unit (including target, focus, arena1-5 or even enemy healer) as soon as previous CC fades
- kick a unit manually and not miss your kick (built-in antifaking checks)
- use PvP trinket / Every man for himself with a check for actual CC / roots on you and not waste it
Class specific macros to:
- silence a unit manually and not miss it (aura mastery check): DK (Strangulate), Priest (Silence), Rogue (Garrote), Blood elf (Arcane torrent)
- set purge a higher priority than DPS rotation - DK (Icy touch), Priest (Dispel magic), Shaman (Purge)
- trinket a CC with a proper ability used by DKs (stun Ice bound, fear Lich born, else PvP rinket / Desecrated ground). 1 macro replaces 4 buttons!
- use DK Death grip if the unit is not rooted
- disable/enable ferals Rip usage
- jump forward with Hunters Disengage
- set the pet type to summon for Warlock (Kick pet, Tank pet, Dispel pet)
- Shockwave (Warrior) your target and not miss it!
Class description: a brief overview of amazing HandsFree functionality for every class
General features:
- Fully automatized high-quality PvP & PvE, damage & healing rotations
- All talents / glyphs support
- BG& arena full AFK botting
- Advanced kicking logics
- Juking helper
- Move on cast hack
- Facing hack
- Positioning helper (not to lose your healer)
- Totem stomp
- Stealth detect
- Auto dispel
- Healing assistant (hybrid classes)
- Self-preservation behavior
and many more
Death Knight (Frost, Unholy):
- Unholy pet behavior (kill totems, pet kick, pet stun AM)
- Auto-simulacrum
- Purge important buffs
- AMS incoming CC
Druid (Balance, Feral, Restoration):
- Shapeshifting incoming CC (restor)
- Blink form traps (restor)
- Root melee with DR tracking (feral)
- Shapeshift roots
Hunter (All):
- Accurate trapping moving units with prediction logics
- Pet behavior control (kill totems, freedom, RoS)
- Binding shot on 3+ units around
- Explosive trap kicking
Paladin (Holy, Retribution):
- Situational Sac (retri) and BoP team members
- Pre-sac incoming CC (including traps)
- BoP smoke bombs
- Keeping denounce debuff up (holy)
Priest (Discipline, Shadow):
- Pre-MD incoming CC on team healer (shadow)
- Purge important buffs
- Auto angelic feather logics
- HolyFire incoming CC
Rogue (All):
- Auto Shadowstep logics
- Smart re-stealthing
- Re-Sapping mechanics
- Teammate support
Shaman (All):
- Improved grounding logics
- Smart freedom / tremor totems usage
- Auto capacitor totemic projection to enemy healer / target
- Purge important buffs
Warlock (Affliction):
- Advanced pet behavior (kill totems, kick, dispel)
- Burning rush to avoid incoming CC
- Pet sac for double-kick
- Perfectly time Fear with QueueCC macro
Warrior (All):
- Auto reflect / mass reflect function
- Rally low-HP team members
- Intervene to catch Wyvern from team healer
- Triple shockwave